12 Step Parlance Exercise

If I let myself admit it, I feel sad that:

  1. My family situation is what it is
  2. That things are so distant between me and M.
  3. That so many people are out of my life now.
  4. That those people are out of my life because they did not want to stay in touch.
  5. That I spend so much time alone, on a project I feel compelled to do but kind of hate.

If I let myself admit it, I feel mad that:

  1. I’m out here alone, working on this book.
  2. That no one around me really understands what I went through or where I’m going with it.
  3. That I can’t seem to get anyone to take myself or this book seriously.
  4. That I had to have the experience at all.
  5. That I still have to worry about what my ex will do if he sees it.

If I let myself admit it, I feel bad that

  1. Things ended so badly with PH. He at least deserved a goodbye, and an honest talk about girls having needs, too.
  2. That some of my friends are in such a financial mess.
  3. That the whole thing with the foul-mouthed guy at my house got blown so out of proportion; I needed to defend my honor, but the recommended recompense is not something this guy can handle right now.
  4. That I want certain things people in my position aren’t supposed to want.
  5. That I feel bad about feeling bad for having those desires: they’re part of the human experience, and the less I judge myself the better I do.